

Basic principles of German public and German private law

The structure and principles of existing German legal areas; the structure and power of the executive and judiciary in Germany; the training of lawyers in Germany; details of international treaties and agreements with the participation of Germany; the ratio of national and regional legislation.

German for Lawyers

The Institute of German Law at the National University Kiev-Mohyla Academy offers a German language course for lawyers.

The course is intended to provide the participating students with a basic speaking, reading and writing skills and vocabulary of German language and legal concepts as it used in German legal system, thus simplifying the reading and understanding of German legal literature. The speech level should be raised to B2. In the course, German legal texts are also discussed in detail in order to make learning possible based on a practical example.

Introduction to German Law

The course examines the historical evolution of the German legal system and its influence on continental European law. The course deals with the following topics: the origin and principles of German law; the structure and principles of existing German jurisdictions; the structure and power of the executive and judiciary in Germany; the training of lawyers in Germany.